
Joseph Skipsey: Selected Poems

Second edition revised and augmented. Edited by RKR Thornton, Chris Harrison and William McCumiskey.

A selection of 44 of Skipsey's poems, including The Collier Lad, Get Up, The Hartley Calamity, The Lad of Bebside, The Reign of Gold, The Seaton Terrace Lass, The Stars are Twinkling, Thistle and Nettle. Introducing the collection is a 70-page biography of Skipsey which has been updated to include some of the most recent research into his life. There is also a full list of Skipsey's published works and a bibliography of source materials and further reading.

Published by Rectory Press, available from

Reaching Out: Music education with 'hard to reach' children and young people
edited by Chris Harrison & Phil Mullen

A book about music education with young people who are defined as 'hard to reach', which includes a wide range of contributions from experts in this field. Contributors include Randall Allsup, Kathryn Deane, John Finney, Jonathan Govias, Douglas Lonie and Gary Spruce. Launched at the Music Mark National Conference in November 2013, it was the first book to be published by the UK Association for Music Education: Music Mark, which was formed by a merger of the National Association of Music Educators (NAME, see below) and the Federation of Music Services (FMS).

Listen out: International perspectives on music education
edited by Chris Harrison & Sarah Hennessy (2012). Matlock: NAME Publications

We often learn more about our own practice by observing that of others. The opportunity to see how other people go about things can help us to challenge our own assumptions and examine our own values. This book offers insights into aspects of music education in difference countries and includes observations and reflections from people who have had opportunities to see things from a different perspective. Some have worked as music teachers in different countries and have had to adapt their ideas to new situations. Others have participated in educational exchanges and have had an opportunity to share their practices in detail. Some have trained as teachers in a different country from that in which they grew up, and have had opportunities to compare approaches and strategies. There are also contributions from people whose work in the European Union and elsewhere gives them an opportunity to observe music education from a more global perspective. In an uncertain world it becomes imperative that we test what we value and believe in, and a useful, interesting and positive way to do this is to visit and interact with teachers in other circumstances and other cultures and countries. The experiences and reflections of the contributors to this book will help us to do this and to make positive changes in our own practice.


As author and co-author:

Talking Music: A new approach to music in the National Curriculum at KS 1 & 2. Chris Harrison & Linda Pound (1992). Greenwich Education

Talking Music: Empowering children as musical communicators. Chris Harrison & Linda Pound. In: British Journal of Music Education, 13: 233-242 (1996)

Let's Compose [CD-ROM]. London: Blackboard Productions (1999).

Supporting Musical Development in the Early Years. Linda Pound & Chris Harrison (2003). Buckingham: Open University Press.

Music Education Update. Bulletin 1/09 Matlock: NAME Publications (2009).

An integrated approach to music in the curriculum. In: Beach, N., Evans, J. & Spruce, G. (Eds.) (2011) Making Music in the Primary School: Whole class instrumental and vocal teaching. London: Routledge.

Music Across the Curriculum. Bulletin 1/10 Matlock: NAME Publications (2010).

Music Education Hubs - a brief guide (for NAME).

Primary Subjects: music sections of the cross-curricular resource.

1 Making Every Child Matter (Summer 2008)
2 Supporting Gifted and Talented Children (Autumn 2008)
3 Engaging with Globalisation (Spring 2009)
4 Learning Outside the Classroom (Summer 2009)
5 Get Ready for the London 2012 Games (Autumn 2009)
6 Using Stories (Spring 2010)
7 Assessing for Learning (Summer 2010)
All published by the Council for Subject Associations (CfSA)

As editor:

Opus 2: Progression in Music 11-14. (Teacher's resource book, pupil's books & CD for Year 8). Oxford: Heinemann (2007).

Opus 3: Progression in Music 11-14. (Teacher's resource book, pupil's books & CD for Year 9). Oxford: Heinemann (2007).

Finney, J. & Harrison, C. (eds.) (2010) Whose Music Education Is It? The role of the student voice. Matlock: NAME Publications.

Harrison, C. & McCullough, L. (eds.) (2011) Musical Pathways. Matlock: NAME Publications.

From 2009-13, I was managing editor of publications for the National Association of Music Educators (NAME). NAME then combined with the Federation of Music Services (FMS) to form the UK Association for Music Education: Music Mark, and I continued my work as managing editor until the completion of the first Music Mark publication: Reaching Out (see above).